La Revista Peruana de Investigación Materno Perinatal (Rev Peru Investig Matern Perinat) es el órgano oficial de difusión científica del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal (INMP), Lima - Perú.


Letters to the editor

Importance of including the Nutritionist in the implementation of the kangaroo method

Víctor Mamani-Urrutia, Rosa Salvatierra-Ruiz, María E. Flores-Ramírez

Originals articles

Usefulness of the SOFA score in the prediction of maternal death in the maternal ICU of the INMP

Walter J. De la Peña Meniz, Alberto Diaz Seminario, Ronald Meza Salcedo, Hernan Sandoval Manrique, Julio Cano Loayza, Alfredo Castillo Gozzer, Jose Luis Castillo Lino, Luis Bracamonte Ferrer, Xandra Rodriguez Tucto, Lorena Manrique, Franklin Mendoza, Jose Juarez Silva, Lourdes Paredes Saravia

Metric characteristics of the palate in term and preterm newborn in the National Institute Maternal Perinatal

Américo Munayco Magallanes, Llisel Ocampo Escobedo Ocampo Escobedo, María Cortez Marino, Maryjose Lapa Meza

Programmed Intermittent Epidural Bolus technique for labour analgesia: cohort study

Marjorie Lisseth Calderón Lozano, Renato Moreno Gonzales, Dante Segura Pinedo, Gunther Vásquez Rojas, Anibal Arenas Velásquez


Recommendations for the care of newborn children of COVID-19 positive mothers

Carmen Rosa Dávila Aliaga, Elsa Torres Marcos, J. Rosmary Hinojosa Perez, Ylia Espinoza Vivas