La Revista Peruana de Investigación Materno Perinatal (Rev Peru Investig Matern Perinat) es el órgano oficial de difusión científica del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal (INMP), Lima - Perú.


Originals articles

Knowledge, attitudes and practices of evidence-based medicine in attending physicians of a public hospital. Lima Peru

Jorge Alfredo Segundo-Paredes, Carlos Alejandro Gonzales-Medina, Rosa Janeth Francia-De-la-Cruz, Edson Valdivia-Vera, Jackeline Pamela Mejía-Veramendi, Pedro M Arango-Ochante

Depression in gestants and the support of the couple

Mirian Solís-Rojas, Emma Salazar-Salvatierra, Vanessa Alejandra Reyes-González

Factors associated with the beginning of premature breastfeeding

Mirian Solís-Rojas, Emma Salazar-Salvatierra, Rocío del Carmen Huamán-Lahura

Factors associated with dystocic delivery in pregnant women attended in the public hospital of Lima

Luis Alberto Colan-Villegas, Marcela Rosalina Barreto-Munive, Félix Ayala-Peralta, Elke Lucila Leon-Moreto, Frizsia Romina Torres-Linares


Infant Anemia

Carmen Rosa Dávila-Aliaga, Rafael Paucar-Zegarra, Antonio Quispe

Case Report

A case of ectopic pregnancy in scar of previous cesarean

Juan Carlos Loayza, Aldo Benel, Giannina Zegarra, Jackeline Curay, Kyra Sigüenza

Preventing the real gestational age into route and determining the percent of weight in the conclusion of the ecographic report

Walter Castillo-Urquiaga, Walter Ventura-Laveriano, Oscar Antonio Limay-Ríos, Mario Zárate-Girao, Raul Sugajara-Rosario, Hugo Ingar-Pinedo, Erasmo Huertas-Tacchino