
Daniel Sergio Silva Dominguez Luisa Moreno Valles Isabel Huarancca Berrocal Paola Chávez Ochoa Erika Porta Pittman Jennifer Umeres Alvan Ronald Oviedo Bernuy


Objective: To describe the psychological, social and gynecological characteristics of patients with gestational loss seen at the Institute Nacional Maternal Perinatal (2022). Materials and Methods: This research corresponds to a retrospective descriptive observational study, in which 176 clinical histories of patients with gestational losses during the year 2022 attended by the psychology service who met the inclusion and exclusion criterial were collected. An analysis of frequencies and percentages of the different variables was performed in order to meet the research objectives. Results: The average age of the patients was 30 years (min: 18 years and max: 46 years), with a mean of 2.64 gestations in the sample, a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 4 gestational losses. Fetal death (65.34%) was the most frequent diagnosis of fetal death. All the patients presented a psychological disorder, with Brief Depressive Reaction being the most frequent (61.36%). Seventy-eight percent came from dysfunctional families and 68.75% of the patients came from a nuclear family. 94.89% reported not having planned the pregnancy; however, 97% indicated that they accepted it after learning of the pregnancy. Eighty-nine percent received support from the couple, 79.55% of whom mentioned having a stable relationship; however, 51% did not receive support from the family of origin. Conclusion: Brief depressive reaction was the most frequent psychological characteristic in the patients; non-planning, partner support and pregnancy acceptances were the most prevalent social characteristics, and fetal death was the usual reason for fetal disease in this sample.


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How to Cite

Silva Dominguez, D. S., Moreno Valles, L., Huarancca Berrocal, I., Chávez Ochoa, P., Porta Pittman, E., Umeres Alvan, J., & Oviedo Bernuy, R. (2024). POST TRAUMATIC GROWTH, ANXIETY, COPING STRATEGIES FOCUSED ON EMOTION AND IRRATIONAL IDEAS IN PATIENTS WITH A DIAGNOSIS OF PRE-ECLAMPSIA AND HYPERTENSIVE DISORDERS CARE AT THE NATIONAL MATERNAL PERINATAL INSTITUTE. Revista Peruana De Investigación Materno Perinatal, 13(3), 16–21. https://doi.org/10.33421/inmp.2024426

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