
Enrique Guevara-Ríos Julio César Fernández Haqquehua Liz Zelmira Gallegos Dávila Patricia Rosemary Guarnizo Chalco Luis Alberto Quiñones Vásquez Félix Dasio Ayala Peralta Juan Carlos Tasayco Saravia


Uterine rupture in the context of placenta accreta spectrum poses a significant clinical challenge with critical implications for maternal and fetal health. Early diagnosis and timely intervention in patients with risk factors, such as a history of cesarean deliveries and placenta previa, are essential to prevent severe complications. This report describes the case of a 36-year-old woman with a history of two cesarean sections, who presented at 30 weeks of gestation with acute abdominal pain. Evaluation revealed placenta previa with placental invasion and hemoperitoneum. During exploratory laparotomy, uterine rupture was confirmed, leading to a cesarean delivery and subsequent hysterectomy, resulting in a favorable maternal outcome and neonatal survival.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Guevara Ríos, E., Fernández Haqquehua, J. C., Gallegos Dávila, L. Z., Guarnizo Chalco, P. R., Quiñones Vásquez, L. A., Ayala Peralta, F. D., & Tasayco Saravia, J. C. (2024). UTERINE RUPTURE IN THE SPECTRUM OF THE PLACENTA ACCRETA: CASE REPORT. Revista Peruana De Investigación Materno Perinatal, 13(3), 39–43. https://doi.org/10.33421/inmp.2024422

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