
Rossie Thais Injante-Bustamante Perinatal Maternal Institute


Myelomeningocele is the most frequent form of spinal dysraphism, it represents a congenital anomaly of posterior neuropore closure and its cervical location is rare. The clinical case of a newborn born at the Perinatal Maternal Institute, who presented cervical myelomeningocele with neurological deterioration from birth and a karyotype with Robertsonian translocation, is presented.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Injante-Bustamante, R. T., & Dávila-Aliaga , C. (2023). Cervical myelomeningocele. Case report. Revista Peruana De Investigación Materno Perinatal, 12(2), 27–30. https://doi.org/10.33421/inmp.2023338