
Marleny Elizabeth Huayanay Bernabe Alvaro Renato Moreno Gonzales Jackeline Vásquez Yeng Nelida Vanessa Gilmalca Palacios Dante Jhunior Segura Pinedo Anibal Arenas Velasquez


Objective. To describe schemes and effectiveness of post-operative pain management at the National Maternal Perinatal Institute. Materials and Methods.  Descriptive, retrospective cross-sectional study, in which 305 medical histories of patients treated between January and March 2021 were reviewed and analyzed, data such as treatment schedules, pain frequency, analgesic management, rescues, opioid use, and adverse effects were collected. Results.  Of 303 medical records included, the most commonly used treatment regimen was intrathecal morphine in combination with an intravenous analgesic (93.1%) which was initiated in the operating room, the most frequent adverse effects were nausea and vomiting (4.3%), pruritus (1.3%), urinary retention (0.3%). Respiratory depression and the presence of severe pain were not reported; but there was a need for analgesic rescue use in 20% of patients in the recovery service. Conclusions. The most commonly analgesic regimen used for postoperative pain was intrathecal morphine in combination with an intravenous analgesic (93.1%), and this regimen was initiated during surgery (98.7%). Multimodal analgesia including neuraxial morphine coupled with intravenous analgesics had a lower incidence of the use of rescue drugs to control breakthrough postoperative pain secondary to cesarean section in the sample studied.


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How to Cite

Huayanay Bernabe, M. E., Moreno Gonzales, A. R., Vásquez Yeng, J., Gilmalca Palacios, N. V., Segura Pinedo, D. J., & Arenas Velasquez, A. (2023). Management of postoperative cesarean section pain: Observational Study at the National Maternal Perinatal Institute 2021. Revista Peruana De Investigación Materno Perinatal, 11(3), 21–26. https://doi.org/10.33421/inmp.2022299 (Original work published November 10, 2022)

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