
Walter Gómez-Gonzales Asunciona Huaman-Cruz Johana Ramirez-Cerna María Auqui-Canchari


Objective. To establish the sociocultural, personal and institutional factors related to the acceptability of oral rehydration solutions in users of health facilities in the Comas District. Lima-Perú 2016. Materials and Methods. A descriptive correlational design study. The population consisted of patients with mild-moderate dehydration treated at Comas District health facilities, comprising 06 Health Centers and 01 Health Care Unit, 101 patients were included and an ad hoc questionnaire was completed for the studio. Results: From 101 cases of patients with diarrhea with dehydration, 66 (65%) were female and 35 (35%) were female. (38%), upper 20 (20%) and incomplete secondary school 15 (15%) were secondary school students. The factors that present a statistically significant correlation with the acceptability of oral rehydration solutions were the sociocultural factor r = 0.781 and p value 0.000, with the variables degree of secondary education complete and superior, sawing source, ingested as a first option prepared moisturizing solutions different from the ORS with electrolytes ready to drink; the personal factor r = 0.659 - p value 0.026, with the variables age from 0 to 5 years, does not ingest the entire S.R.O. to prepare prescribed, accept the prepared solution of S.R.O. and preference for other oral oral hydrates; the institutional factor did not obtain statistically significant relation r = 0.223 - value p 0.509. Conclusions. The factors related to the acceptability of oral rehydration solutions, were the degree of secondary education complete and superior, sawing source, ingested as a first option prepared moisturizing solutions different to the S.R.O. with electrolytes ready to drink, age 0 to 5 years, does not ingest the entire solution of S.R.O. does not accept the solution of S.R.O. to prepare and preference for other prepared oral moisturizers.


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Gómez-Gonzales, W., Huaman-Cruz, A., Ramirez-Cerna, J., & Auqui-Canchari, M. (2019). Sociocultural, personal and institutional factors related to the acceptability of oral rehydration solutions in users of health facilities in the District of Comas. Lima-Peru 2016. Revista Peruana De Investigación Materno Perinatal, 7(1), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.33421/inmp.2018107